
class mrspoc.Star(spots=None, u1=0.4987, u2=0.1772, r=1, radius_threshold=0.1, inclination=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Object defining a star.


u1 : float (optional)

Quadratic limb-darkening parameter, linear term

u2 : float (optional)

Quadratic limb-darkening parameter, quadratic term

r : float (optional)

Stellar radius (default is unity)

radius_threshold : float (optional)

If all spots are smaller than this radius, use the analytic solution to compute the stellar centroid, otherwise use the numerical solution.

spots : list (optional)

List of spots on this star.

inclination : Quantity

Stellar inclination. Default is 90 deg.

Attributes Summary

center_of_light Compute the center-of-light or centroid for this star, given its spots, and limb-darkening.

Methods Summary

limb_darkening(r) Compute the intensity at radius r for quadratic limb-darkening law with parameters Star.u1, Star.u2.
limb_darkening_normed(r) Compute the normalized intensity at radius r for quadratic limb-darkening law with parameters Star.u1, Star.u2.
plot([n, ax, col, col_exaggerate]) Plot a 2D projected schematic of the star and its spots.
rotate(angle) Rotate the star, by moving the spots.

Attributes Documentation


Compute the center-of-light or centroid for this star, given its spots, and limb-darkening.


x_centroid : float

Photocenter in the x dimension, in units of stellar radii

y_centroid : float

Photocenter in the y dimension, in units of stellar radii


Methods Documentation

derotate()[source] [edit on github]
limb_darkening(r)[source] [edit on github]

Compute the intensity at radius r for quadratic limb-darkening law with parameters Star.u1, Star.u2.


r : float or ndarray

Stellar surface position in radial coords on (0, 1)


intensity : float

Intensity in un-normalized units

limb_darkening_normed(r)[source] [edit on github]

Compute the normalized intensity at radius r for quadratic limb-darkening law with parameters Star.u1, Star.u2.


r : float or ndarray

Stellar surface position in radial coords on (0, 1)


intensity : float

Intensity relative to the intensity at the center of the disk.

plot(n=3000, ax=None, col=True, col_exaggerate=1)[source] [edit on github]

Plot a 2D projected schematic of the star and its spots.


ax : Axes

Axis object to draw the plot on

col : bool (optional)

Show the center of light with a red “x” if True

col_exaggerate : float (optional)

Exaggerate the center-of-light coordinate by this factor

n : int

Number of pixels per side in the image.


ax : Axes

Matplotlib axis object, with the new plot on it.

rotate(angle)[source] [edit on github]

Rotate the star, by moving the spots.

Parameters:angle : Quantity